A Message from the Children’s Investment Fund - CEDAC

A Message from the Children’s Investment Fund

Dear Community Partners:

All of us at CIF hope that all of you are staying safe and healthy during this unprecedented public health crisis. We thank you for your ongoing commitment to caring for and educating the children of the Commonwealth.

As of March 16th, the CIF office has closed and all staff are working from home. We look forward to resuming normal operations as soon as it is safe to do so. Meanwhile, we want to reassure you that staff remains committed to working with Early Childhood Education and Out-of-School-Time (ECE/OST) organizations on their facilities projects.

We are able to continue to review, approve, and disburse funds under our various loan programs, including the EEOST Capital Grant program. We remain available via email, phone, and teleconferencing. We are also aware of an increase in cyber threats during this time and are taking extra precautions to avoid email phishing and wire fraud.

Please note that our Building Stronger Centers Training Institute has been postponed to October 19th – 22nd. We are still accepting applications.

We hope the following is helpful information:

The Department of Early Education and Care (EEC ) has updated its website with important information for parents, providers and educators. Click here.

The Bipartisan Policy Center has highlighted several methods of relief and assistance for child care businesses, parents, and communities through the federal stimulus package: Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act). Click here.

ECE/OST providers should apply to the Paycheck Protection Program as soon as possible as the funding is in high demand.

Philanthropy Massachusetts has created a list of emergency relief resources. Click here.

We will continue to share resources as they become available. Please let me know how we can be helpful during this difficult time. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to me at tjordan@childrensinvestmentfundma.org

Stay healthy and stay safe.

Theresa Jordan
Children’s Investment Fund