Partners + Supporters - CEDAC

Partners + Supporters

The Fund joins our partners in supporting efforts to improve the quality and stability of the ECE-OST sector. High-quality programs help strengthen families and communities.

Alliance of Massachusetts YMCAs

Citizens’ Housing and Planning Association

Early Education for All (A Campaign of Strategies for Children)

Edward Street Child Services

Massachusetts Association of Early Education & Care

Massachusetts Afterschool Partnership

Massachusetts Association for the Education of Young Children

Massachusetts Association for Community Action (MASSCAP)

Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care

Massachusetts Head Start Association

United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley


Children’s Investment Fund is grateful for the generous support we receive from the following:

Barr Foundation

Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation

Klarman Family Foundation

M&T Charitable Foundation




Rockland Trust – Blue Hills Charitable Foundation

The Life Initiative (TLI)

U.S. Department of the Treasury – CDFI Fund