An In-depth Look Into Extremely Low Income Renters in America’s Central Cities
August 23, 2018
In today’s blog post, we share a paper written by Bill Brauner, Director of Housing Preservation & Policy at CEDAC, that takes an in-depth look into extremely low income renters in America’s central cities. The paper explores the importance of affordable housing production and preservation policies and highlights the success of a few cities, led by Boston.
CEDAC has worked closely with the City of Boston’s Department of Neighborhood Development on housing preservation issues for more than 25 years, and we’re pleased to be a part of the city’s successful efforts to ensure that more affordable housing is available to vulnerable populations.
Read Bill Brauner’s full paper here.
Bill Brauner
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EEOST FY23 and Beyond: Funding for Child Care Prog...
Nov 01, 2023
A newly renovated classroom at the Child Care of the Berkshires. (@Damianos Photography)
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