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Job Guide Training (Worcester)

Learn about a new, web‐based tool, The Job Guide, developed by the Center for Labor Market Studies at Northeastern University. This new tool uses labor market data and business information to assist job developers and job seekers to hone a job search. The Job Guide uses a marketing approach to labor market segmentation that is … Continue reading Job Guide Training (Worcester)


The Road to Employment: How You Can Work with Career Centers to Increase the Employability of Your Program Participants

This workshop is specifically designed for staff of community and faith based organizations operating education, training or employment programs in the Greater New Bedford/Fall River region. The workshop will provide information about career centers in your region and how you can best use their resources to the benefit of your program participants.


CWC Job Guide Training 12.10.10

Learn about a new, web‐based tool, The Job Guide, developed by the Center for Labor Market Studies at Northeastern University. This new tool uses labor market data and business information to assist job developers and job seekers to hone a job search. The Job Guide uses a marketing approach to labor market segmentation that is … Continue reading CWC Job Guide Training 12.10.10


The Essentials of Employer Relations, Central MA

This workshop will help you take a business approach to working with employers: to create stronger relationships with employers and succeed at job matching that meet employer needs and enables your participants to succeed. Learn how to research new employers, create an effective pitch of your services, how to manage a bad placement with an … Continue reading The Essentials of Employer Relations, Central MA


CWC Job Guide Training 12.15.10

Learn about a new, web-based tool, The Job Guide, developed by the Center for Labor Market Studies at Northeastern University. This new tool uses labor market data and business information to assist job developers and job seekers to hone a job search. This workshop will introduce participants to The Job Guide approach and taxonomy and … Continue reading CWC Job Guide Training 12.15.10

